Steering Commitee
Jacqueline Fletcher
Member - Steering Committee
Dr. Fletcher, Regents Professor Emerita, Oklahoma State University, is internationally recognized for research on insect transmission of plant pathogenic bacteria, microbial forensics and agricultural biosecurity. She established OSU’s National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity to address national issues in plant pathogen forensics, crop biosecurity and food safety.
Douglas G. Luster
Member - Steering Committee
Dr Luster has been Research Plant Physiologist with the USDA-ARS Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Laboratory at Ft. Detrick, MD since 1988. He served as Research Leader of the ARS Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit from 1997-2015, and RL of the ARS Beneficial Insect Introduction Research Unit from 2009-2016.
Darcy Oishi
Member - Steering Committee
Darcy Oishi is Acting Manager of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture Plant Pest Control Branch. In this capacity he us responsible for the survey, detection, and response (biological, chemical and mechanical) to new plant pests in Hawaii. He also serves in various capacity and roles on the national and international levels.