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About Me

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Dr. Jacqueline Fletcher, Regents Professor Emerita, Oklahoma State University, is internationally recognized for research on insect transmission of plant pathogenic bacteria, microbial forensics and agricultural biosecurity.  She established OSU’s National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity to address national issues in plant pathogen forensics, crop biosecurity and food safety.  She served as President of the American Phytopathological Society and, following September 11, 2001, led APS input to National biosecurity initiatives, and organized and chaired the APS Microbial Forensics Working Group.  She served on the Forum on Microbial Threats at the National Academies of Sciences and remains active on several federal biosecurity advisory panels.  Dr. Fletcher is a Fellow of APS and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  Currently she serves as a consultant and advocate for agricultural biosecurity.

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